Is part of colour freak pictures that deals with writers and artist, including creative minds. Poetry, short and long stories, advice, lyrics, news and all the above. Mama's boy dose not just encourage the writers to grow by providing a huge number of readers, it invites writers from all over the globe to share there stories and writing skills. A new way to share your stories.
Is part of colour freak pictures that deals with talent in Entertainment, music, videos, edits, news, lyrics and all that entertains you. Making sure you are Entertained.
TREND series
Is a part of colour freak pictures dealing with the new and most happening, Fashion, hush tags , designs, what you should know, news. Quotes and what to share. Trend will excite the youth on tips on how to, why to. Ideas are welcome, wise talks and Debates. Its the best place for you. Show the youths how creative you are in fashion and designing.
Is a part of colour freak pictures that deals with, entertainment growing. The new tracks, videos, pictures, stories and ideas, successful artists their stories, life and plans, music records and galleries. with spot light no talent is hidden if we know about it. Anything with the capability to grow must be brought to the light. Make your self known, feature on SPOT light. It will spread your story
Is an exciting part of colour freak pictures dealing with the Gospel, christians. Making friends in christ, encouraging the youths, sharing the message, supporting Gospel music, working with trend for daily quotes. Gospel artist both the full flagged and the up coming. Feel free to be part of this all christian youths. All talented christian youths and everyone still discovering their talents, writers, artist, song writers, poets, motivators and many more, This is for you.
This is the biggest part of colour freak pictures as all stories are compiled to produce a creative magazine called colour magazine. Creative writers across the world get to share their discoveries and stories on this magazine currently online only, with much hope and support would be a full time off-line hard copy magazine. It carries with it all the combined parts and sections of colour freak pictures, Truth, spotlight, Trend, Entertainment, and mama's boy the major contributor do to its writers. The colour magazine is free to read online.
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